a criação do princípio

David Leeming with Margaret Leeming
A Dictionary of Creation Myths
Oxford University Press, 1994

Acoma Creation

The Acoma Indians of New Mexico live in an ancient pueblo commonly called Sky City, since it is perched atop a 600-foot maternal mound or butte. Like many Western American Pueblo cultures, Acoma society is matrilineal (ownership is passed down trough the female line). Not surprisingly, then, the Acoma creation is orchestrated by a female spirit and is representative of the emergence type of creation myth, a birth process that begins in the earth womb (see also Creation by Emergence)


Zuni Creation
The Zuni pueblo in New Mexico is the home of well-preserved and viable culture. Zuni ceremonies and myths reflect that viability in their intensity and complexity. The creation myth is no exception. Like the creation stories of the other pueblos, it is an emergence myth (see also Creation by Emergence). It is also an example of the ex nihilo creation (see also Creation from Nothing) and of creation by thought.


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...ou o princípio da criação1

قمة عالمية البرتغا الكاتب cristovao دي اغيار.

وهو ، أيضا ، وترجمت الى اللغة البرتغاليه ثروه الامم من آدم سميث.

وقد منح العديد من الجوائز.

لا تنسوا اسم هذا الكاتب العظيم ، يمكنك الاستماع اليه قريبا.

اشكركم على انفاق الوقت في الثقافة العالمية.

شكرا للزيارة

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